Now I am home and pulling forth the courage and energy to face my God; feeling like I've been down this path more times that I can count and can't I just skip it this time? But if I want to continue this awesome journey with Him, I know that I need to 'fess up. So, as I am on my knees I reminded God of the aforementioned verse in Ephesions (he remembered it), and he gently but firmly opened my eyes to the first part of that verse, "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!" And with that I felt him saying, "Erin, darling, this holiday weekend is not the climax of the sin you need to be apologizing for. It's just the repercussions of the sin preceding it." And I realized that I had been silently "struggling" for a month now, putting more and more faith in myself and my own control over food with less faith and submission to God. My real sin was priding myself on "my power" over food and that holiday weekend proved that I am not strong enough to overcome the song that food sings to me.
I have been eating a little more than I should regularly. Again, eating food isn't a problem, but the reason I'm eating that food is because I just can't seem to help myself, or I just can't resist that last bite, or I just want a quick taste. I'm putting post cards up in my kitchen today saying, "If you're stomach isn't growling, that bite isn't going into your mouth. If that isn't a part of the serving you should have, it isn't going into your mouth. If you can't say 'No' to that food, then it has control over you and you are enslaved to it."
I am feeling very humbled today, as I think about all the freedom I've been writing about and here I am, once again wanting to sift through my cupboards to find solace instead of dancing with the joy that God offers to me daily.
Here are a few verses that comfort me, as Lysa says, "We serve a compassionate God. A God who knew food would be a major stumbling block" (63) and he gave us the Bible filled with understanding:
- Philippians 3:18 Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach...
- Psalm 81:9-10 "You must never have a foreign god; you must not bow down before a false god. For it was I, the Lord your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it with good things."
- Galations 4:8 "Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to so-called gods that do not even exist"
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